Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What is the Average Summer Temperature Around Here?

If it is your first summer in Colorado Springs, you probably don’t know that the average summer high temperature is in the 80’s.  Are you surprised?  You can be sure that long-time residents of our breath-taking area are not.  They know that in the summer Colorado Springs is hot enough to need air conditioning in your home.

If yours goes out, you will want it fixed immediately!  Why not pay some attention to it at the end of April before you need it?  A/C professionals all agree that if you don’t want surprises your home’s air conditioning unit should be checked every year.  What better time to do that than right now?

That’s what we are here for.  We are Colorado Springs’ air conditioning experts.  It is in our name Altitude Heating and Air.  You will be happy that you paid a little bit now to avoid a catastrophic repair in July.  Please call us before the busy season for an a/c inspection.  That phone number is (719) 209-4955.

Monday, April 1, 2019

There is NO Margin for Error.

In the Spring the rains will come to the Colorado Springs area and melting snow has saturated the ground.  When this happens, is your sump pump ready to help you prevent flooding in your home?  When was the last time you had your sump pump tested?  Sump pumps should be tested every three or four months, so if you have not had this done in 2019 it’s time!

Here are some signs that your sump pump needs service –

1.  Strange noises are emanating
2.  Excessive vibration
3.  Infrequent usage…it’s running more than it needs to
4.  The length of time it runs is increasing
5.  You notice rust forming on it

There are many more signs and the Colorado Springs sump pump experts at Altitude Heating and Air know exactly what to look for.  Better yet, they know what to do if they see these or any other indications without doing any more than is necessary.  A broken sump pump would be devastating!  Call Altitude Heating and Air today at (719) 209-4955.