Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Summertime…and the Livin’ is Not Always Easy.

We are smack dab in the middle of those crazy, hazy, lazy, days of summer.  The kids are home and the kitchen has become a center of activity.  What did they put into the sink?  The garbage disposal and the kitchen sink are getting quite a workout.  Are you prepared for this continuous onslaught of your kitchen?

Here are some tips when considering installing a new kitchen sink –

1.  Turn off the hot AND cold-water lines
2.  Turn ON the faucet.  This will relieve the pressure.
3.  Adjustable wrenches are needed to be able to disconnect the water supply lines.
4.  The garbage disposal must be unplugged
5.  Don’t forget to remove the drain line from the dish washer.

Or…call Colorado Springs plumbing, heating, and air conditioning repair and replacement professionals.  That is Lonny Crawford owner, operator and service technician of Altitude Heating and Air, Inc.  Lonny and his team will bring their long history of technical expertise to any plumbing and air conditioning problem you have this summer.  Just call (719) 209-4955.

Adventures out West - Colorado Ziplne Tour!

(Click the link above for more information)

"Impressive zipline tour in natural Colorado setting. Located in downtown Manitou Springs, this is the real deal zipline experience with 4x4 ride."

Monday, July 2, 2018

It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas.

No, it is NOT!  Not when you have a gas leak in your home.  Stating the obvious, gas lines are very important for every household. No matter if you are living in an apartment or in your own home, there needs to be a proper and uninterrupted supply of natural gas to run water heaters, kitchen counters, ovens, fireplaces, etc.

Why should you have periodic gas inspections?  Well, a natural gas (or propane) is a highly combustible and flammable product that can easily catch fire.  Even a tiny, innocuous gas leak can result in a huge explosion that can cause serious damage to life and property.  Add to that, the gas used for combustion is hazardous and should NEVER be inhaled.

Trust ONLY a professional to properly inspect your residence for a possible gas leak.  In Colorado Springs and the surrounding area that’s Altitude Heating and Air Inc.  Visit our new website at www.altitudehvacco.com to see the myriad of plumbing and HVAC services that we offer.  Then, give us a call at (719) 209-4955.