Thursday, May 24, 2018

Dispose of Yucky Stuff.

During the summer months your garbage disposal may get quite a workout.  Kids are running in and out of the house and putting heaven knows what down the sink.  Are you ready for that?  Let’s start with the cardinal rule.  Never, never, never put your hand down the drain and come in contact with the disposal!

If the disposal will not turn on and it is not making a humming sound, then there may an electrical problem.  If it IS plugged in and is not turning try pressing the reset button.  You may have a stuck flywheel because something is lodged in it.  And then, there is the possibility that the unit is leaking.  That presents a whole new set of challenges.

We eliminate the guesswork.  Call Altitude Heating and Air Inc.  We are proud to be Colorado Springs experts in troubleshooting, repairing, or replacing your home’s garbage disposal.  For any plumbing problems that may occur in these busy summer months to come please keep our phone number handy (719) 209-4955.


(Click the link above for more information)

"Wondering what to do on Memorial Day in Colorado Springs? Head over to Old Colorado City to enjoy live music, delicious food and much more at the annual Territory Days going on all weekend long."


Sunday, May 6, 2018

It’s a Gas.

It may not be such a gas if you attempt to hook up your own gas line.  You COULD skip the pro, but a mistake could be dangerous.  Remember, you are dealing with a potentially explosive situation.  Just in case you feel adventurous we want you to know the tools of the trade in case you consider this to be a DIY job.

You will need –

1.  A medium-size adjustable crescent wrench
2.  Flair fittings
3.  Flexible gas line
4.  A pipe cutter
5.  Dish soap combined with water in the right mixture

There is a professional gas line installation company in the Colorado Springs area that can save you a lot of potential grief.  That company is Altitude Heating and Air Inc.  They have been serving this community for a decade and a half specializing in a number of different plumbing, heating, and air conditioning services.  Give us a call today at (719) 209-4955.

Mother's Day Colorado Springs 2018

(Click the link above for more information)

"Mother's Day in Colorado Springs has a lot to offer for the weekend. Take mom to dinner, a Sunday brunch or one of the many events going on in Colorado Springs for Mother's Day 2018."